CCMR3 – Collectlogic

CCMR3 | ReactJS, .NET, Hangfire, Node.js

CCMR3 is a prominent financial services company specializing in debt collection and financial management solutions. With a commitment to innovative practices, cutting-edge technologies, and personalized solutions, their goal is to cultivate a forward-thinking environment centred around people.

The Problem

Although the current software solution – CollectLogic, has demonstrated effectiveness, it encounters limitations that impede CCMR3’s full optimization of operations in areas such as Payment Management, Credit Reporting, Client Services, Workflow Automations, Automation of Letters, and system configurations

Our Solution

We have developed an invoice module for Payment Management, established credit reporting controls to halt or pause reporting based on compliance, configured accounts for Client management to facilitate customized financial management, implemented automated workflows for revolving debt collections, automated letter creation, and developed a robust API management system for secure and efficient communication with external systems.

The Impact

Through the incorporation of these extensive improvements, CCMR3 has gained substantial advantages that align with its operational objectives, strengthening its competitive position. The organization has realized operational efficiency, elevated customer service, and heightened productivity. It successfully adhered to stringent compliance and security standards, while also gaining real-time insights into its operations.